You Cannot Be Stopped (feat. Chris Quilala)

Jesus Culture

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минус: ориг

1 verse: The dark tried to hide You and steal You away Death tried to keep You inside of the grave The enemy fought You he tried but he lost You cannot be stopped
2 verse: When we cried for freedom You tore down the walls The weight of our burdens You carried it all Our fears and our failures hang dead on the cross You cannot be stopped
Chorus: Mover of mountains breaker of chains Jesus has triumphed over the grave Sing hallelujah the battle is won Nothing can stand against our God
3 verse: We stand on Your victory we shout out Your praise Miracle maker You’re mighty to save Awesome in power relentless in love You cannot be stopped
Bridge: There’s nothing that can stop our God There’s nothing that can stop our God There’s nothing that can stop our God There is nothing, there is nothing

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