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In The River
Jesus Culture
In The River - Jesus Culture

Verse: 1
There is a river where goodness flows
There is a fountain that drowns sorrows
There is an ocean deeper than fear
The tide is rising, rising
Verse: 2
There is a current stirring deep inside
It's overflowing from the heart of God
The flood of heaven crashing over us
The tide is rising, rising 
Pre chorus:
Bursting, bursting 
Up from the ground we feel it now
Bursting, bursting 
Up from the ground we feel it now
We come a live in the river
We come a live in the river
We come a live in the river
We come a live in the river 

Break open prison doors set all the captives free
Spring up a well, spring up a well spring up the well in me
Nothing can stop this joy we're dancing in the streets
Spring up a well, spring up a well spring up the well in me


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