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Обзор Презентация
No Body
Elevation Worship
No Body - Elevation Worship

1 Verse:  
Behold the Lamb upon the cross
Who takes away the sins of all
Forgiveness flows from hands and feet
As violence meets the Prince of Peace,
Behold the King  

Light of the world, Lamb that was slain
Lion who rose, mighty to save
The fullness of God won't be kept in a grave
Darkness, your hour is o - ver  

2 Verse:  
Behold the love, His dy - ing plea
Behold the grace of Cal - vary
That rug-ged cross, soon to be
The emblem of a ris - en King,
Behold the King  

Light of the world, Lamb that was slain
Lion who rose, mighty to save
The fullness of God won't be kept in a grave
Darkness, your hour is o - ver  

Light of the world, Lamb that was slain
Lion who rose, mighty to save
The fullness of God won't be kept in a grave
Darkness, your hour is o - ver  

Bridge 1:  
    No enemy can hold You down
    'Cause there's no body in the grave now
    One head gets to wear that crown
    'Cause there's no body in the grave now  

Bridge 1:  
    No enemy can hold You down
    'Cause there's no body in the grave now
    One head gets to wear that crown
    'Cause there's no body in the grave now  

Bridge 2:  
    No enemy can hold You down
    'Cause there's no body in the grave now
    One head gets to wear that crown
    'Cause there's no body in the grave now  

Bridge 2:  
    No enemy can hold You down
    'Cause there's no body in the grave now
    One head gets to wear that crown
    'Cause there's no body in the grave now  

Light of the world, Lamb that was slain
Lion who rose, mighty to save
The fullness of God won't be kept in a grave
Darkness, your hour is o - ver  

Light of the world, Lamb that was slain
Lion who rose, mighty to save
The fullness of God won't be kept in a grave
Darkness, your hour is o - ver  

Bridge 2:  
    No enemy can hold You down
    'Cause there's no body in the grave now
    One head gets to wear that crown
    'Cause there's no body in the grave now  

Bridge 2:  
    No enemy can hold You down
    'Cause there's no body in the grave now
    One head gets to wear that crown
    'Cause there's no body in the grave now


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