A Million Names

Jeremy Camp

Deeper Waters


минус: ориг

1 Verse: You’re the God of a million names And I’ve seen them all Revealed in my life You’re the God of unending fame But You call me Yours And I call You mine
Pre Chorus: And I don’t know, I don’t know Anything but what I’ve seen I don’t know, I don’t know Anything but what You are to me
Chorus: Everybody knows You as the King and the Creator The earth and all the heavens bowing down before their maker The universe is calling You the artist and the author But honestly right now I just need You to be my Father
Tag: My Father My Father My Father Oh My Father My Father My Father Oh
2 Verse: You’re the God of a million stories Look what You’ve done Here in my heart You’re the God of unending glory Somehow You found Me in the dark
Pre Chorus: I don’t know, I don’t know Anything but what I’ve seen I don’t know, I don’t know Anything but what You are to me
Chorus: Everybody knows You as the King and the Creator The earth and all the heavens bowing down before their maker The universe is calling You the artist and the author But honestly right now I just need You to be my Father
Tag: My Father My Father My Father Oh My Father My Father My Father Oh
Bridge: I I wanna fall straight to Your arms I Need You to hold me close Keep me safe from harm I I’m desperate for all You are All You are All You are
Chorus: Everybody knows You as the King and the Creator The earth and all the heavens bowing down before their maker The universe is calling You the artist and the author But honestly right now I just need You to be my Father
Tag: x2 My Father My Father My Father Oh My Father My Father My Father Oh

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