You'll Always Be

Kim Walker-Smith

Wild Heart



1 VERSE: You've held me close on dark nights You've calmed me down when nothing could For every time I felt alone You pulled me in and called me friend
CHORUS: You've always been, and You'll always be The God who gives, such perfect peace So, all my fear, and anxiety Will bow to my God The King of Kings, oh, my Prince of Peace
2 VERSE: I've basked inside Your perfect light And I've cried until the healing came I've run away and back to You And still You call me friend
CHORUS: You've always been, and You'll always be The God who gives, such perfect peace So, all my fear, and anxiety Will bow to my God The King of Kings, oh, my Prince of Peace
BRIDGE: I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid 'Cause everything gives way, when I speak Your name I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid 'Cause everything gives way, when I speak Your name I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid 'Cause everything gives way, when I speak Your name I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid 'Cause everything gives way, when I speak Your name
CHORUS: You've always been, and You'll always be The God who gives, such perfect peace So, all my fear, and anxiety Will bow to my God The King of Kings, oh, my Prince of Peace, yes INTERLUDE: Yes Fear and anxiety bow Depression bow Hope is restored Sickness bow At the name, at the name At the name of Jesus, hey
OUTRO: I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid 'Cause everything gives way, when I speak Your name I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid 'Cause everything gives way, when I speak Your name I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid ('Cause everything gives way, when I speak Your name) Yes, oh-oh-oh
1 КУПЛЕТ: Ты был со мною в тьме ночной И только Ты покой мне дал. Разрушил одиночество И другом Ты меня назвал.
CHORUS: Ты был всегда и Ты будешь вновь Тем, Кто дает мир и покой. Все страхи и все тревоги прочь. Склоняюсь я, Ты Царь царей, Ты Бог всего!
2 КУПЛЕТ: Я в свете пребывал Твоем, Об исцелении взывал. То уходил, то вновь К Тебе, Но другом Ты назвал.
BRIDGE: Я не боюсь, уходит страх С Твоим Именем на моих устах!
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