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Владимир Шипицин

Обзор Презентация
Crushing Snakes
Crushing Snakes - Crowder

1 Verse:  
We're not afr - aid
Terrors of night, arrows that fly by day - aay
Ten thousand may fall but we
We will remain


2 Verse:  
We're not afr - aid
A promise of God can never be torn a - waay aay
Walking on hands of angels, crushing sna - kes
Safe under the shadow of His wings
Our fortress and our strength
Our fortress

  We're taking back our freedom
  Our battle has been won
  We have been liberated
 Back from the dead we've come
  We're taking back our freedom
  Our battle has been won
  We have been liberated
 Back from the dead we've come


2 Verse:  
We're not afr - aid
A promise of God can never be torn a - waay aay
Walking on hands of angels, crushing sna - kes
Safe under the shadow of His wings
Our fortress and our strength
Our fortress

  We're taking back our freedom
  Our battle has been won
  We have been liberated
 Back from the dead we've come


 Do you see Him, King of Heaven
 Champion of all creation?
 Eyes of fire, voice of thunder
 Tearing through the sky in wonder
 Dressed in light, we see Him coming
 On a horse that's white like lightning
Do you see Him?
 Do you see Him, King of Heaven
 Champion of all creation?
 Eyes of fire, voice of thunder
 Tearing through the sky in wonder
 Dressed in light, we see Him coming
 On a horse that's white like lightning
Do you see Him?

  We're taking back our freedom
  Our battle has been won
  We have been liberated
 Back from the dead we've come
  We're taking back our freedom
  Our battle has been won
  We have been liberated
 Back from the dead we've come


1524 просмотра 14 прослушиваний 26 скачиваний


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Альбомы исполнителя

American Prodigal
2016 альбом
Neon Steeple

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